Below the daisies where you hunt us down

Below the daisies where you hunt us down


How dare you try
when I can lie
How dare you weep
when I can keep
everything away from you
work, opportunity, sleep
have you still not learned?
Because I am a man
and I rule you
did you not catch the woo
did nobody teach you
to seek the favour and support
of the man you are partly made of
built from a rib you are nothing but mine
how dare you defy me
how dare you cry
how dare you stand tall
when I built the world beneath you
I want you on your knees
and on your back
show me how weak you are
because woman you are made of me
you are mine

Did you not catch the woe
great sorrow and distress
is half I’m made of
because of you
my blood runs through the stones
where the bones of my sisters
are bound to the concrete
find me in the first and second street
and below the daisies
where you hunt us down
oh man
have you not had enough
of the monster inside you
vampire I call you
as your brothers are watching
because even they dare not defy you
and that’s the saddest part of it all
you are one
representing many
but luckily the few
who undo the pain you cause
are plenty
call them weak
for respecting their daughters
but they are stronger than you ever will be
and those are the men and women
that build the world
and that’s bravery
because you’re not making it easy
for all of us
you are one representing many
but luckily the few
who undo the pain you cause
are plenty does not display third party advertisements because we believe information and knowledge that informs or protects the public, should be (clutter)free.

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Why we scream

Why we scream

